
Monday, September 7, 2015

Flower cushion cover, TUTORIAL for a flower - quilt

I tried also to make this flower from a denim.

I found a tutorial for this flower from a Sandra Decoraciones. Thank you so much Sandra! 
Here is a link to her Facebook: 

The TUTORIAL for this flower is from here: 
Sandra Decoraciones photos: 


  1. !!!! QUE BONITO !!!
    Que ingenio tienes y que manos

  2. Very pretty Ulla, wonderful pincushion.

  3. Great idea. Thanks for sharing.

  4. Meraviglioso!!!Grazie Ulla :-)))))

  5. Complimenti Ulla, i tuoi lavori sono tutti stupendi!!

    Un caro saluto dall'Italia,

  6. Minusta tuo farkkukukkanen on aivan mahtava!

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