
Thursday, January 5, 2012

Angel wall hanging quilt

The size for this angel quilt is: 32 cm x 40 cm.
I have done the pattern, so if you like it you can use it. 
Tilkkutyö enkelin koko on: 32 cm x 40 cm. Olen tehnyt kaavan itse. Jos haluat, niin voit käyttää sitä. 
Click the photo and it will become bigger. / Klikkaa kuvaa niin se tulee suuremmaksi.


  1. Your angel is lovely, but I adore your backpack.

  2. Feliz Año Nuevo desde España!!

    Muy bonito ese ángel.

  3. My God! What a beauty! And you yourself came up with it? A masterpiece!

  4. Thanks for visiting me. What a beautiful angel! You have made so many lovely things.

  5. ¡¡¡Felicitaciones por tantas Labores Maravillosas!!! Gracias por compartirlas. El Ángel es un Ángel. ***Feliz Año Nuevo 2012, Miles de Bendiciones***

  6. Hola Ulla. Gracias por visitar mi blog. Tu blog me gusta mucho, haces unas labores preciosas. Besos desde Sevilla.
    Hi Ulla. Thanks for visiting my blog. I love your blog, you make a beautiful work. Kisses from Seville.

  7. Hola,tienes unos trabajos preciosos y desde este momento me he hecho seguidora tuya y te he llevado a mi blog,un beso.

  8. ¡¡Hola... gracias por tu visita, tienes un blog precioso, un saludo....

  9. Hi, I am sending greetings from the Czech Republiky.Váš angel quilt is beautiful and everything else as well .... Petra

  10. How extraordinarily beautiful! You have somehow made this angel look luminous. Just perfect. Thanks for stopping by my blog. I'm glad to have found yours! Happy New Year!

  11. gracias por ser seguidora de mi blog. He visitado el tuyo y he quedado maravillada, de tus labores tan bellas. felicitaciones

  12. !Un angel precioso y muy original! feliz año

  13. Hallo Ulla,
    ... vielen Dank für deinen Besuch und deinen lieben Kommentar auf meinem Blog - ich mußte dich natürlich auch sofort besuchen und muß sagen : ICH BIN BEGEISTERT !!!! Ich kann gar nicht sagen was mir auf Anhieb am besten von deinen Sachen gefällt - ich finde soooooo vieles soooooooooo schön - deine japan Sachen vorneweg - die stehen auch schon lange auf meiner ToDo Liste - Stoffe habe ich auch schon - aber ich habe mich noch nicht getraut!! Vielleicht wird es ja in diesem Jahr.
    Ich hoffe du hast nichts dagegen wenn ich dich in meine Blogliste einfüge und mich als Leser bei dir eintrage. Bis bald liebe Grüße Eva

  14. Versuch in Englisch:

    Hello, Ulla,
    ... many thanks for your visit and your dear comment on my Blog - I had to visit you of course also immediately and must say: I AM INSPIRED!!!! I cannot say at all what stands to me right away best of all from your things like - I find soooooo a lot soooooooooo nicely - your Japan things in front - they already long on my ToDo list - I have materials already - but I have not dared yet!! Maybe it becomes this year.
    I hope you have nothing against it if I you in my Blogliste inserts and puts down me as a reader with you. See you soon best regards Eva

  15. Ulla thank you for your visit! You make SUPERB things, I will often return on your blog! Beautiful year 2012 !

  16. Hello Ulla,
    nice to meet you on your beautiful blog !!!!
    Thank you for your comment,
    Jutta from Berlin

  17. Precioso tu blog, gracias por tu visita y feliz año nuevo, hasta pronto, Nieves

  18. Un trabajo estupendo!!!!
    Salud y suerte en este nuevo año.
    Saludos desde Tenerife.

  19. all I can say is Whow just amasing work

  20. Hi, Ulla. Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. I've enjoyed your very creative blog--had to go back clear to the beginning to see all your projects. Love the dolls and quilts--and your purses are drop-dead gorgeous! I'll stop in from time to time!
    best from Tunisia,

  21. Your angel wall hanging is adorable!

  22. Thank you for your visite on my blog.

    A mon tour de franchir les frontières pour découvrir le tien ; que de merveilleuses découvertes , tout est si délicat et raffiné.

    Je suis en admiration devant ton travail.

  23. Oh boy am I glad to find you! I love your style xx thank you for introducing yourself to me!

  24. Hola Ulla, me ha hecho especial ilusión ver tu comentario aunque, debo confesarte que como mis conocimientos de inglés son muy escasos, he debido de poner el traductor.
    He visitado tu blog y me han encantado tus trabajos se ve que eres una buena quilter, y te he añadido a mis blogs para seguir conociéndote.
    Te deseo tengas un buen año y que nos sigamos visitando. Un abrazo desde La Rioja, España.

  25. I have liked very much your comment in my blog, and I have loved also the things that you do, congratulations. I place your direction in my blog to follow you. Kisses and happy year.

    I have used the translator that English and I we are on bad terms, I studied French.

  26. Your angel wall hanging is marvellous!!How big is it??
    Best wishes

  27. Your workmanship perfectly. Super!!!
    Я в восторге от ваших работ, просто нет слов.
    Спасибо, что Вы посетили мой блог, тем более из далекой Финляндии)))
    Если Вы хотите участвовать в моей конфетке, нажно разместить фото конфетки в ссылкой у себя либо на панельке, либо отделным постом.

  28. merci d'être passée chez moi,de très très jolies découvertes sur votre blog, votre travail mains et machine est époustouflant
    bravo ! j'aime beaucoup vos petits ours japonais

  29. Very pretty Angel and I love the bag too in the previous post. What nice work you do.

  30. Hi Ulla, thanks for stopping by my blog. Unfortunately I'm unable to reply to you via my blog as you are listed as a 'no reply comment blogger'. To change this you can amend the settings in Blogger so that folks can reply to you directly by email. Jxo

  31. Great blog! I will put a link to mine.
    Thanks for your visit.

  32. Thanks for your comment in my blog. You do have a very nice blog. So much inspirasjon for me.
    Hope you have a nice weekend:-))

  33. Hi,
    thank you for your comments! it´s so nice when we see people from other countries visiting my blog.
    I really like your job. Specially the little gnome.
    Be welcome again!

  34. Hola me halaga tu visita, hermoso blog, desde Venezuela.

  35. very nice . I like very much your angel . Frederique gave your blog reference .
    Where is it possible to buy the pattern of the quilt:angels quilt wall hanging . I am interested in

  36. Hi! There is not pattern for this angel quilt. I have done the pattern. You can copy this one and do it.
    Thank you for your lovely comments!

  37. What a cute and nice angel!
    Thank you very much for your comment on my blog.

  38. Ulla, está maravilloso este ángel!!!! te quedó precioso. Me gusta mucho el contraste de las telas. Un beso

  39. Ulla, Que Preciosidad tu Blog y su contenido en Labores tan Especiales***
    ***Feliz Día de Los Reyes Magos!!! Un Abrazo, con mucho cariño y agradecimiento. Desde Venezuela.

  40. thank you very much!!!!we are very far away but we can communicate each other, it is fantastic!!!your works are great too!!!see you from spain

  41. Happy new year Ulla!
    Wonderful creation.

  42. Oi Ulla!Estou encantada com teus trabalhos,são maravilhosos,as combinações de cores são perfeitas.É um blog sensacional!Onde se encontra de tudo,é exatamente o que toda artesã quer encontrar para se inspirar.Olha é pena que moramos tão longe.Mas vou te seguir sempre.Um muito Feliz Ano Novo para ti com muita saúde e nos contagie com tua criatividade sempre.Um abração!!

  43. Поздравляю с Рождеством Христовым! Мира и душевного спокойствия.

  44. Everything you do is absolutely beautiful.
